Dave Yoas: Individually Twisted
Featured Exhibition May 28th - July 10th, 2021
Transmission Gallery is pleased to present Dave Yoas: Individually Twisted; see it IRL through July 10th.
Yoas is not shy about tweaking potentially loaded subjects or venturing into raucous territory in these wildly imaginative and colorful cut tin collage pieces. The work invites a careful viewing to take in the complexities, revel in the imagery and discover the hidden surprises. Of special note is So Shoot Me, an extravagant lighted cut tin shooting gallery piece, reminiscent of carnival shooting galleries, chock full of heroes, villains and sidekicks. Richly evocative, this piece sets up a fascinating sense of glee, counterbalanced with the discomfort of recognizing historic paragons of virtue lined up with the world's worst villains as equal opportunity targets, just for fun. That kind of edge runs throughout the exhibition, holding the work open to layers of meaning; everything is not as it seems at first glance.