Jeremiah Jenkins
It is what it is... September 16 - October 30
RESCHEDULED Artist's Talk, Saturday, October 30th, 2pm What do used motor oil, meteorites, bullet casings, granite, burlap, and yarn have to do with each other? How about arrows and a drawing of a squirrel? All are elements in Jenkins' sculpture on view through October 30th in "It is what it is..." at Transmission Gallery San Francisco.
"The phrase "It is what it is" is often used as a throw away response to situations out of our control. However, there is a deeper mastery in the acceptance this phrase acknowledges. In the face of powerful entities like space, time, life, death, power, and existence we can take refuge in taking things for what they are. For this exhibition the phrase can also give a guideline for approaching the works. When you are curious about the meaning behind a sculpture... It is what it is. When you are looking at a material... It is what it is. Once you accept "it is what it is" the next step will be to decide what "it" is."
- Jeremiah Jenkins
Above left: Jenkins draws down on a sweet little squirrel drawing at the opening of "It is what it is..."
Right: He pretty much nailed it, title of piece: A beautiful lie and a painful truth, 20" x 20" x 30"
Below left: Bloom, lead, bullet casings, 8" x 4" x 5".
Right: The more things change, 3-d printed ceramic, 12" x 12" x 20"
Right: He pretty much nailed it, title of piece: A beautiful lie and a painful truth, 20" x 20" x 30"
Below left: Bloom, lead, bullet casings, 8" x 4" x 5".
Right: The more things change, 3-d printed ceramic, 12" x 12" x 20"